What I Cook in a Month with Good Chop
As much as I love googling the menu before heading out to a restaurant, I love the feeling of a stocked fridge and making yourself a BOMB meal. Call it adulting, but I’m so excited to share the meals I’ve been creating in the last month using a new subscription plan called Good Chop. Let’s cut the chase from the start, and share what I’m loving about this flexible meat subscription:
Arrived in dry ice, completely frozen, I didn’t have to worry about meat quality or items going bad during delivery
No antibiotics, no added hormones, no additives
All products come from American farms and fisheries (IDK about you, but it feels so good to know where your food is coming from and how the animals are being treated)
Flexible plan: you can pause or deactivate whenever
I opted for the medium box that came with:
4 x 8 oz Pork Chops
2 x 6 oz Filet Mignon
6 x 5 oz Wild-Caught Alaskan Salmon
2 x 16 oz packs of 100% Ground Beef
2 x 10 oz Boneless Rib-eye
2 x 10 oz NY Strip Steaks
In between photoshoots and traveling, this subscription has been a total lifesaver. One less thing to worry about lugging up to the apartment every grocery trip (we know how those city stairs can be)!
People are always asking me to share the meals that I cook, and I feel like I finally have my own place to sprawl out and do that! Here’s a realistic look at my meals that I cook for myself when I’m jumping from photoshoot to photoshoot + going out and trying new restaurants. Generally try to keep it relatively simple or focus on one interesting recipe to try. With Good Chop, it was so easy to plan out my meals and portion them out for several days at a time.
filet mignon with mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, & side salad
steak with roasted potatoes and green beans
lemongrass pork chops (used Omsom sauce) with kimchi and cucumbers
seared pork chops with veggies and avocado
salmon salad
If you guys are interested in trying out Good Chop, click here to check out their pricing plans and menu. For a two-person household, this would be ideal based on the amount and quality of meats you get. At first the $149 sounds like a hefty price tag, but when you get the delivery you’ll realize how much meat you’re actually getting! For one person, this would easily last me two months!
Don’t miss out, they’re currently offering $$ off with their holiday promo. Head over to their website to learn more.